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Justin Louallen

Finding Nemo Review

With the release of Finding Dory out, I figured I'd talk a little bit about the first movie. I've always enjoyed many of Pixar's films that have been out including Toy Story, Monsters Inc, The Incredibles, etc. I haven't really seen Finding Nemo in a long time, but I remember enjoying it quite a bit. I loved the relationship between Nemo and his father and the quest that his father has to go on to find him throughout it. It was funny, charming, had a great emotional feel and I really liked the characters. Dory cracked me up quite a bit in how she always has short term memory loss and keeps getting Marlin confused on things. I also enjoyed the music by Thomas Newman in how it captures the adventure and mood of the sea. While it's not exactly my favorite Pixar movie, it still is one of the best ones I have seen and it gets me excited about Finding Dory which I will be seeing soon. I loved this movie. I give it a 9/10. What are your thoughts on the first one? Comment below.

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