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Eddie Williams

Zoolander 2 Review

Tonight I'm reviewing Zoolander 2, directed by Ben Stiller, starring Stiller, Owen Wilson, Penelope Cruz , Kristen Wiig and many other celebrities. Now, I wasn't much of a fan of the first one that came out in 2001. It was an average hit and miss to me, but it was overall decent. Now 15 years later, we get a too long in the making unneeded sequel, Zoolander 2 where we get yet again celebrities playing themselves in this ridiculous Illuminati comedy film. Former models Derek Zoolander (Ben Stiller) and Hansel (Owen Wilson) are brought back into the spotlight after living secluded lives for the past 15 years. When invited into a major modeling fashion in Rome, Italy, a special agent needs their help in stopping someone from killing famous people and it's up to Zoolander and Hansel to stop others from facing the same fate. This movie was absolutely painful to watch. I literally turned it off three times and almost went as low as fast forwarding it many times. I couldn't get into it at all. The CGI was crap, the story was horrible and it was extremely unfunny. It was trash beyond belief. I really don't want to waste anymore minutes of my life writing anymore about this colossal piece of trash film, so I'm going to end this with a big fuck you review and give this film a 1/10. This is the worst movie I've seen in a while and probably one of the worst comedies I've seen in years.

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