My favorite films each year since I've been born.
1992: Batman Returns
1993: Jurassic Park
1994: Pulp Fiction
1995: Seven
1996: Fargo
1997: Chasing Amy
1998: Saving Private Ryan
1999: Magnolia
2000: Memento
2001: The Lord Of the Rings: The Fellowship Of The Ring
2002: The Lord Of The Rings: The Two Towers
2003: The Lord Of The Rings: The Return Of The King
2004: Spider-Man 2/Harry Potter and The Prisoner of Azkabin (TIE)
2005: Batman Begins
2006: Running Scared/The Departed (Tie)
2007: Zodiac
2008: The Dark Knight
2009: Inglorious Basterds
2010: The Town
2011: Hugo
2012: The Dark Knight Rises
2013: The Wolf Of Wall Street
2014: Gone Girl
2015: The Revenant
2016: A Monster Calls