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Eddie Williams

Detroit - Written Movie Review

Eddie here. Today I'm reviewing the 2017 crime / drama Detroit, directed by Kathryn Bigelow and stars John Boyega, Will Poulter, John Krasinski, and Anthony Mackie. Based on a true story in the summer of 1967, rioting and civil unrest starts to tear apart the city of Detroit. After gunshot reports prompt the Detroit Police Department, the Michigan State Police, and the Michigan National Guard, they decide to search and seize a nearby Algiers Motel. Several policemen start to overstep procedures by forcefully and viciously interrogating the guests to get a confession. Unfortunately I missed this one when it came out in theaters. I enjoyed this film, but I do have some flaws with it as well. I thought everybody gave an outstanding performance in this film, especially Will Poulter, who I thought stood out the most. He truly gave an Oscar-worthy performance and I hope he at least gets a nomination. Kathryn Bigelow did a great job capturing the 1967 era and adding the authentic videotape / camera shots of the real events that took place and mixed it well with the story. This film also has some very disturbing moments that does get intense, which was good. I do have some flaws with this film. Some of the scenes are very shaky while moving at a really fast pace, that it had me feeling dizzy and had me losing my concentration at times. I like Kathryn Bigelow, but I've noticed that she likes to do that with some of her films. There are times where the editing feels a little off with mixing the actual story being told with some other minor story plots playing out in this film which can be confusing, especially when it's trying to tell you the story of these young African-Americans who fell victim to Will Poulter but at the same time trying to tell another story about how those boys were trying to become singers. I get that it's part of the actual real life event that unfolded, but I felt like the tone was a bit off at times due to the way Kathryn Bigelow edited it in the film. After seeing what really took place after watching this film, I felt like the film's two and a half hour run time was a bit too long. I expected more things to have happened with that lengthy runtime. During the period where Will Poulter's character is messing with the African American kids, I felt like a majority of that was being stretched out way too long for the sake of Kathryn Bigelow wanting her films to be really long. Overall, it's a good movie and I do highly recommend people to give it a watch. I'm going to give Detroit a 7.5/10. What were your thoughts about this film? Leave me a comment below and I'll see you on my next review.

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